Saturday, July 16, 2011

No...I did not forget my PW.


I just turned 34 on Thursday and my little boy turned 6 the same day. Fantastic day of playing in the sand at Daytona. Today mommy and daddy went tubing down the Rainbow River. We also had a family party today after the river. Lots of fun had by all!

Figured I needed to pop in and make sure I still remembered how to log in. hehe

1 comment:

  1. AWWWW HAPPY BIRTHDAY to YOU and your sweet, little guy! Happy, HAPPY birthday! I hope you had an extra special day. :)

    P.S.'s not a belly rash. I would kill for it to be just that. LOL! It's a bum injury. injury to my bum. But that's all I'm saying about it. LOL!


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