As I said in Version 3, I watched a Youtube video by Debtkickin Mom.
Linking it here in case you missed it or want to watch it. She feeds her family of 6 on a budget of $500.
In the debt reduction world it seems to be recommended to have a grocery budget of $100 per person, per month. I am going to attempt that starting this week. It will be a little crossover from April but that is fine.
Today is the best day for me to start this version with my work schedule. I am not going to be going to the store and spending $100 dollars. I am allotting $400 for our grocery budget. (Pipsqueek isn't old enough to add yet. Hah) Today it will be a Sam's Club trip to restock the freezer with meat. Because I *know* how cheap Sam's is for meat I hate paying full price at the grocery store! I will be using cash as that will be the only way I know for sure that I have stuck to the allotted amount for the month. I could add up all the debit charges but cash will keep me honest.
I have picked out 7 meals for the first week. I will have a birthday boy on May 2nd so he picked the meal. My kids are extremely basic and do not like a lot of food. The meal I have planned for today I don't think they will like. That is what peanut butter & jelly is for though. My oldest doesn't like the birthday boy's choice meal. He will have something else that night.
Here is a picture of my meal plan for the week. Nothing fancy. Wednesday will more than likely be nachos for the family which is why I moved Tacos to Monday. Hubby is good with leftovers but not back to back like Debtkickin Mom does in her video above.
*All food is either already Keto or easily adaptable to fit a Keto lifestyle* |
I just realized Mayo Chicken may not make sense to you all. It is Parmesan chicken. The one where you take mayo and mix in grated parm and seasonings then slather on the chicken and bake.
*All food is either low carb or will be low carb with tweaks for me.