Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Can a night owl become a morning bird?

I have a laptop. Hubby does not have a laptop. Hubby is in school online and needs a laptop. I am attempting to grow my online presence therefore I need a laptop. Hubby has homework therefore he needs a laptop for that. So this causes strife. 😤

I am not buying a new laptop, that would be wasting money that must go to debt. One of those credit cards is a Dell account that has only been added to over the last 12 yrs or so. 😑

I am going to attempt to wake up at 5am so that I can use MY laptop. I want me time and early morning is the only time I could possibly get it. I am soooo not a morning person.  However hubby takes his me time in the evening. Not to mention I need my sleep. Overtired mommy is a grumpy, grumpy mommy. 👿

Tomorrow is the first day I am going to try.

Wish me luck!


  1. I'm lucky my hubby doesn't use the computer much. I have a PC but bought a laptop when I started taking online classes so that I could carry it to the library for printouts. Little did I know I could send my printing from home and then go to the library to retrieve it.

    1. We have a PC but it is so full of kid junk. LOL I want to migrate from this site to my new one but I am waiting on google thingie to kick in. I am learning how to blog from a new place so it is weird.

  2. Ask around, someone might have a pc or laptop or iPad that they are not using and do not want.

    1. I actually did. My brother gave me an old one but I cannot get the darn thing to work. The wifi card isn't working. DOH! Oh my. I am stupid. I just just plug it straight into the router- Just means I have to sit at the kids desk. Thanks!

  3. Yikes! That would cause strife! But I’ll be in the same boat shortly I fear as Jason doesn’t have a laptop and I do....and he has some upcoming online classes to do. :-)

    1. Yeah! You will get the have the fun that I do too! Not. Lol


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