Saturday, April 27, 2019

Wedding day for K.

I am a notary and in this great state of Florida I can perform weddings.

 I have a wedding at 5 pm this afternoon about 45 miles north. Former employee of mine asked me to do it. Originally it was local to me so I said yes. Her location ended up not being built in time so she had to move it to the next town north. Since I travel a fair amount for work I have no problem with the drive.

I'm more concerned with my performance. I do not like being the center of attention so I only really do weddings for friends/family. I have always messed up at some point at every wedding I have done. Good thing I don't charge them! Haha!


  1. Replies
    1. I actually did! LOL Thanks for the vote of confidence! No major mess ups. She wanted it short and sweet and I made it happen. Has to ad lib on the who gives this woman away as I hadn't accounted for that but it worked.


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