Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Another day off

that almost was spent lounging around doing nothing.

Thankfully my butt and I got moving at 3pm and got some stuff accomplished! Yeah! I got two loads of laundry washed and dried. (Notice I didn't say folded? lol) Got the kitchen clean and swept the floors. Cleaned and diced (vidalia onion chopper) over 10 pounds of onions. It seems I kept buying them planning on doing something with them (soup?) and I had a collection going. Now they are chopped and ready for anything and everything. I also fried up a pound of bacon and then made my sauteed cabbage. Then I took some of the bacon to make a new recipe. We went to Sam's Club on Sunday and they were sampling a recipe for brussel sprouts with bacon, http://www3.samsclub.com/meals/recipes/asparagus-brussels-sprouts--red-onion-recipe They left out the asparagus so I did as well.  Also made some more mint tea with the tweaked splenda amount. Will see how that is tomorrow at work.

Baked chicken with bbq sauce and the sprouts made up dinner. I only ended up eating half as I was satisfied with that and all the brussel sprout sampling I did while I was cooking them. I had to eat all the ones that browned to fast after all. :)

Only down 3.4 pounds of the original nine I gained Oct/Nov. For about 30 seconds I was sad, but then I realized I am now only up 5.6. Slow and steady will whittle down that number and have me on the losing edge again. No matter what, I am ending this year over 30 pounds lighter than last year. While it may seem small to me at times I know that it is a huge accomplishment in itself.

Off to finish reading blogs before I go to bed.

Pic of the brussel sprouts.


  1. 30 lbs. down for the year is great! It's not a race; it's a life style change! :)

  2. Those Brussel Sprouts look yummy. I'll try the recipe!
    I'm sure you'll be able to lose at least another 30 over the course of the next year easily!

  3. Sometimes you need to give yourself a break and do nothing! I always roast my brussel sprouts - we really love them that way.


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