Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Not even a month into the school year and I have been called by the teacher and now the dean. B is very immature for his age. Always wants things his way and he isn't afraid to throw a fit/whine. His teacher called me to basically make sure there was nothing wrong with him (like hypersensitive) two weeks ago. He tends to not like loud noises or things touching him sometimes. I see that as more of an attention thing though. She warned me that he may be getting lots of yellows and reds for not following directions. I told her I was expecting that so no worries. She said that she will concentrate on making sure that he understands that it is her way. Of course with 25 students in the class I know it isn't easy for her. I told her to please let me know if she thinks he should be evaluated for anything as she has more experience than us. (A is a quiet, obedient child)  That afternoon I discussed it with the after school care supervisor as she works at the old VPK B attended also and knows him. She agreed that it was a immature/ attention thing when I told her how I view it.  I thought life would move on and things would get better.

 Cue today- 9:25am phone call from the dean telling me that B was in his office for spitting. He told me B would not talk to him and tell him what was doing on. He asked if I wanted to talk to him and I told him sure but he isn't a phone talker. He held the phone up and I told B that he was the boss and he needs to talk to him. Then I started to ask if he was scared and I could hear his fast breathing. (broke my heart as I knew he was terrified) The dean told me it was a warning this time. Siiigh. I wanted to run right out of work to get him but I knew that he needed to experience the fear and realize there are consequences for his actions.  I got out of work early and picked up some feeder fish for the reptiles and then the boys. When I got to the school the after school care supervisor pulled me aside to tell me that B wasn't listening or following directions and that if he doesn't start that he will not be able to stay in the program. She recommend I speak to guidance about getting him tested for something. Well $%&@!  Had the sit down talk with him which of course I don't know how much he will retain. Siiigh.  After he did his homework and sat around bored for a while (no electronics or anything for punishment) I had him do this.

Hubby is at the school watching a volleyball game so it is just me and the kids.
This is last nights dinner. Baked cod with my sauteed cabbage.


  1. oh gosh. I'm so sorry. I'd call your pediatrician and see if he has any specialists he might refer you to, although the school should also. Better to test and find it's just 'tude', than wait.... :)

    1. Ty Gwen. I have a email in to the teacher right now to see where we go from here.

  2. Good luck. Hopefully the testing will help you figure out a direction.

    1. Ty I have a email out to the teacher now so we will see what she suggests.

  3. I'm sorry that you are dealing with this. I hope that the testing will help you narrow down what his strengths are and what tools he needs to succeed.


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