Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Do you remember the candy called Atomic Fire Balls? Let me tell you! I am drinking tea right now this second that tastes just like them to me. No sweetener needed!

This stuff is wonderful!  Loving it!  I personally do not tastes the orange but this is my first cup who knows what I will taste tomorrow.

My nose hurts.  Why?   I thought I outgrew a childhood allergy to them that caused a full body rash if I touched skin or tree (oils). Well it seems it changed. When eating a yummy mango at times you put the skin to your face and bite the fruit right? Well when the skin edge touches your lips it shares. Apparently mangos are members of the posion oak family and I happen to be one that is extra sensitive to the oils. My face has posion oak.  It looks more like a sunburn than anything and it feels like one with the heated skin. No one else in my house likes them so at least I don't have to worry about being in contact with them.

Things are going well here and I am coasting along the track. :)  Ninth day here of eating what I should be eating.

1 comment:

  1. Love making iced teas when it's hot outside! Never heard of that brand but it's great that it's also caffeine-free!

    Hope your allergic rash goes away soon! Didn't know that about mangos.


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