Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Try 2? 3? I lost count.

Yesterday we spent the day at the local water park that I had mentioned in my last post. I sprayed down all my boys and hubby sprayed me. I put sunscreen on the kids faces but failed to put any on mine. Whoops! I now have a slightly burned face. I tried to hydrate right away with some facial moisturizer but it didn't help much. My nose tip is a little bit mad at me but it will get over it. Next time I will remember to put sunscreen on my face as well. It was a great day and we all got tons of movement in. While in the wave pool I tried my darnedest to keep my arms moving to get a workout in.

I had big plans for dinner but needed supplies. Publix does these Apron Meals things to where they have a little booth in which they prepare a recipe for you to sample and then you can snag a card with the recipe. Next to the booth is a area that has all the ingredients you need if you want to recreate the meal at home. We had tried something last week that we liked and I grabbed the recipe but not the stuff to make it. So pork loin and Carolina barbecue sauce where on my list of things to grab quickly at WinnDixie after the park. Barbecue pork tenderloin was a hit with hubby and I. I only made the meat portion of that recipe and we had fresh corn and rice (for hubby).  I also scored a few clearance 1.5 pound pork tenderloins for $3.99 each that made me a happy gal.

Now on the the "meat" of this post.  Har-Har!

Actually, I think this is try three.

Try one didn't work out so well, nor did try two. *NO* I am not talking about my precious baby boys you silly goose. Also it isn't reallllllly try three as I am not committing to the whole eight weeks of workouts. yet

I finally found something that might work for me though and I tried it. Today found a blog Goal of Losing and I spent way to much time looking at her archives. I am amazed at how she makes running a mile sound so effortless. Reading through her posts inspired me to look into the C25k program again. I have wanted one with more of a techno feel and I accidentally found one today. With our new phones I was thinking I could find a new app and just go from there. I didn't love the ones I had already tried though.  I started to google and found a blogger who went through her notes from her C25k and linked what she used. Turns out they also have it available for free on itunes as a podcast. I DL'ed it onto my ipod and then popped a roast in the oven and got to moving.

First things first. I blocked the display with a xbox game box. What? you know damn well that I am not the only person that does that. Started out with the 5 minute warm up @ 2.5 and I was just bopping along with the music. I used 3.5 when running and 2.5 when walking. I thought the end was near and I was getting super excited when the ding happened that was telling me it was cool down time. Except the ding said "Your halfway done" I may have yelled out FY and stopped the treadmill. (Thank goodness the boys were in the tub haha)  I expressed my feelings about being halfway done to hubby who told me to keep going. Hmm I might have said FY to him too. I walked in place on the stopped treadmill for a minute or so (I was 15 min into workout) debating if I wanted to finish. I told myself I had to finish even if it just was to blog about it. I may or may not (may) have grabbed the bars after each run after half way for a few seconds till I got the walking groove back. I also may or may not (may) have started walking at a slower pace. Got to what I thought was the end of the last run and shouted out Thank G*d. Did the 1.5 minute walk that I thought would lead into the cool down and I hear LAST RUN! More cuss words might have left my mouth but I sure enough did the last run. I did turn the speed down to 3 on that last one though as I was having pain in my left arch and knee. I did the 5 minute cool down at a 2 and tried to stretch out my left foot during the steps.  It seems to have worked as I felt no discomfort once I got off the treadmill.

Final stats:

Now I am off to finish my liquids for the day and SLEEP!  We have a meeting with A's elementary school tomorrow. His teacher recommended him for gifted several months ago. We signed off on the testing but to date I only know of one thing they have tested (vision back in Feb) Tomorrow we should get the results on if he got in or not. All I know is there will be like 6 school officials in the meeting. EKK!   


  1. I really liked the C25K program. The downside to it is that I did most of it indoors due to childcare/weather issues. When I got out to run the actual race...omg...it was brutal. I felt completely unprepared. I was told that would happen, but I shrugged it off. It was a major bummer.

    However, I would definitely recommend it to someone who just wants to MOVE and burn cals. It's definitely challenging and a lot of fun to push yourself while doing it.

  2. I don't know what makes me more proud ... the fact that you sucked it up and tried again .... or the fact that you told the hubs FY ;)


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