Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Just a standard day off for me today. Plus a additional kiddo since A. is on Spring Break.

We both slept in (YES!)  I put on the size 18's that have been teasing me to see how they fit. I can pull them up completely and if do a quick suck and hand movement they button.  I do have to lie down to zip them though. The second pair I have to lay down to button and zip.  The other two pairs I couldn't get past my hips a few weeks ago so they are on the closet shelf and I didn't touch them. I actually wore the first pair (that I can button standing) to get B from VPK and to walk around Target. I can breathe and move in them no problem. They do make my muffin top poke out some but I got around that with a loose shirt. I wanted to snap a picture to show the non saggy legs but the mirror I use was not angled correctly. I didn't want to move it as there was an employee right by me. I did look though and the pants just seemed to accentuate my gut since they form fitting and not baggy like usual. OK for one day but I don't expect to put them in my regular rotation yet.

I got in 20 minutes on the treadmill this afternoon before I gave up with the boys interrupting every other minute it felt like (hubby was at school) Then I had some fun with resistance bands. My arms felt it for a little while afterwards and I thought I might be sore but they seem to have recovered.

Kiddos are asleep and I am on my way to following them.


  1. Don't you just hate how kids have that innate sense of, 'opes, mom's busy now. I better go tell her I'm hungry, thirsty, I just spilled a gallon of milk on the floor, my crayon got stuck in the toilet or somehow the marker got ALL OVER THE WALL, but I just don't know how!!' Yeah, that happens to me every day! I could go for hours reading blogs with no interruption, but the minute my tennies go on and the zumba DVD comes out the whole world of neediness explodes.

    Yay for 18s! I'm jealous, but will be following along shortly. :)

    Happy Hump Day (heehee, I laugh every time I say that)

  2. I love the feeling of knowing the next size down is right around the corner!! Oh btw, thanks for suggesting DAVIDsTEA, Abel and I are scooping out their site (since we have no local stores) and are like kids in a virtual candy store. definitely going to give some a try!

  3. Congratulations on the 18's!!!! That's awesome:)


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