Tuesday, January 8, 2013

On the go

No post last night.  Not because I made a dumb decision and was hiding out.  Because I wanted to KEEL my husband.  I tried to keep moving and do some chores around the house. Then I got lost in blog land.  I ended up on a massively snarky website devoted to ripping certain bloggers to shreds.  Yeowch!  I am not talking about the few blogs we all know that "tell it like it is".  I am talking of an entire web site devoted to cattiness.  I have called one of those well known bloggers a bully in the past.  I must take that back!  So I apologize to you nameless blogger.  I will not even mention who I am speaking of as I don't want the fire from hell rain down on my blog when I have a screw up if they ever discover my blog.

Today was a go-go-go day. (After I got to sleep in YEAH!)  Pick up B from VPK then to Target.  We walked around there for a while.  Picked him up some new shoes that he desperately needed!  He was wearing his big brother's hand me downs and they are ready for the trash. To the point that I was embarrassed he was wearing them. Ugh!  I also didn't want to just grab something so we waited for a sale and he loves his new shoes.  I cannot find the exact shoes but these are similar.  His have the same colors but are velcro style. Then after A got home from school we had to run off to a appointment for B.  Food has been light since I slept in.  As in EAS protein shake and some edamame and it is 5pm so I better get my butt in gear and work on some dinner.  I am hungry but it is a controlled hungry if that makes sense?


  1. Is it the website you showed me?

    I will help you deal with the husband issues *grabs spork*

  2. That's so gross that there are websites dedicated to that :(


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